September 23, 2008 | Short Order
       Here’s the “kiss and make up” photo peacemaker Daniel Boulud art-directed at Food Arts magazine’s birthday gala Monday in response to Sirio’s earlier Tihany rant (See below) Photo: Evan Sung

        Want to impress 226 food world stars? If you are Marvin Shanken, co-hosting the 20th birthday blowout for Food Arts at the Plaza Monday night you serve Château Margaux 1995 (rated a rare, perfect 100 in the Wine Spectator) with veal cheeks, celery root and hazelnuts by Fiamma’s three star toque Fabio Trabocchi.  Then the co-hosting Batts – the magazine‘s founders and top brass Michael and Ariane Batterberry – present silver-plated and engraved serving spoons by Christofle to ten years worth of Silver Spoon honorees. The spooners of the first ten years already had their utensil. So they just take a bow. Spoon taps, crossed spoons, spoon duels and spoons tucked in dinner jackets emerge as winners congregate in a corner for a spoons-high photo. Altogether 206 spoonees reside on earth and in memory.

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